The 84th Academy Awards, La notte degli Oscar

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    La Notte degli Oscar 2012 in diretta su Sky Cinema HD con Simona Ventura

    Domenica 26 febbraio Sky Cinema presenta IN DIRETTA e IN ESCLUSIVA la magica NOTTE DEGLI OSCAR®.

    Il commento della kermesse, dall'arrivo delle star fino alla consegna dei premi, è affidato a Gianni Canova, Francesco Castelnuovo e Martina Riva, che, alle 22.55 entreranno in collegamento con Simona Ventura e Alessandra Venezia dal red carpet per seguire, attraverso interviste, l'arrivo degli ospiti al Kodak Theatre.

    A Billy Crystal l'onore di presentare l'84^edizione degli Academy Awards®, in diretta a partire dalle 2.30. Lo scorso 24 gennaio l'attrice Jennifer Lawrence ha annunciato le nomination: la sfida più accesa è quella tra il 3D di Scorsese Hugo Cabret e il retrò The Artist, con 11 e 10 candidature. In lizza anche L'arte di Vincere e War Horse, entrambi con 6 candidature, ma anche Paradiso Amaro e Millennium - Uomini che Odiano le Donne con 5 nomination. A contendersi la statuetta di Migliore Attore Protagonista, Brad Pitt per L'arte di vincere, George Clooney per Paradiso Amaro, Demian Bichir per A Better Life, Jean Dujardin (The Artist), e per la prima volta Gary Oldman per La talpa.

    E per tutti coloro che non potranno seguire la diretta, lunedì sera andrà in onda "Il meglio della Notte degli Oscar", una speciale sintesi della cerimonia trasmessa dalle 21.10 su Sky Cinema Hits, Sky UnoHD e Cielo (DTT canale 26 e canale 126 di Sky), seguita da "Simona Goes To Hollywood - The Day After", l'ultimo appuntamento - per la prima volta in diretta - con la striscia quotidiana che ha già scandito la settimana pre-Oscar®, per commentare, oltre ai vincitori, la parte più glam della serata, il red carpet, i party più esclusivi e i look delle star.

    Per prepararsi al più grande evento cinematografico dell'anno, andrà in onda per tutto il giorno una maratona con i vincitori della precedente edizione. Protagonisti su Sky Cinema1HD fin dal mattino, dal miglior film d'animazione Toy Story 3 - La Grande Fuga a The Social Network vincitore di tre statuette, fino al "mattatore" Il Discorso del Re che si è aggiudicato i quattro premi più importanti: Miglior Film, Miglior Regia, Miglior Attore Protagonista a Colin Firth e Miglior Sceneggiatura Originale, che andrà in onda alle 21.00 prima della diretta.

    Di seguito la copertura della kermesse nel dettaglio.

    Domenica 26 febbraio

    La diretta della Notte degli Oscar® dalle 22.55 su Sky Cinema1HD
    Lunedì 27 febbraio:

    la replica integrale della Notte degli Oscar ®alle 10.55 su Sky Cinema Hits HD e alle 22.55 su Sky Cinema +24HD
    Il Meglio Della Notte degli Oscar® dalle 21.10 su Sky Cinema Hits, Sky Uno HD e Cielo (canale 126).
    L'appuntamento finale SIMONA GOES TO HOLLYWOOD - THE DAY AFTER, in onda lunedì 27 febbraio alle 22.45 in diretta su Sky Uno e su Cielo (DTT canale 26 e canale 126 di Sky), sarà in compagnia di Simona e dei suoi ospiti per rivedere una sintesi della Notte degli Oscar, dal red carpet ai party più esclusivi, con commenti sulla cerimonia, sui premi, sul look delle star.


    In diretta su Radio DEEJAY domenica 26 febbraio dalle 24.00 fino alle 6.00 andrà in onda Deejay Chiama Oscar, un programma speciale dedicato alla Notte degli Oscar realizzato in collaborazione con Sky.

    Dalle 24.00 alle 06.00 gli artisti di Radio DEEJAY - Linus, Laura Antonini, Nicola e Gianluca Vitiello, Nikki, Federico e Marisa, Vic e tanti altri - saranno on air per raccontare il mondo del cinema riunito al Kodak theatre.

    Nel corso della trasmissione sarà anche possibile ascoltare i commenti e i pronostici di attrici, attori e registi del nostro cinema: Sabrina Impacciatore, Claudio Santamaria, Alessandro Roja, Corrado Fortuna, Fabio Volo e Gabriele Salvatores.

    Tutti gli ascoltatori di DEEJAY che vorranno partecipare attraverso Twitter potranno commentare l'arrivo delle star, gli abiti e le dichiarazioni delle celebrities sul red carpet utilizzando l'hashtag ufficiale #twittaoscar.

    I migliori tweet verranno letti in radio e mandati in onda su Sky Cinema, che trasmette la premiazione dall'arrivo delle star sul Red Carpet alle 22.55 e fino alla fine della cerimonia.

    Per vivere da protagonisti la vera atmosfera del glamour hollywoodiano, E! Entertainment - Canale 129 di SKY - celebra le più importanti star del grande schermo con la diretta dal red carpet più atteso della stagione cinematografica: l'84esima edizione degli Academy Awards.

    Come di consueto il Kodak Theatre di Los Angeles ospiterà una parata di stelle sulle quali le telecamere di E! accenderanno i propri riflettori per un imperdibile live.

    L'appuntamento è per domenica 26 febbraio, a partire dalle 22.00 con il "Countdown dal tappeto rosso" e, a mezzanotte, con "In diretta dal tappeto rosso".

    Dal red carpet del Kodak Theatre gli inviati Ryan Seacrest e Giuliana Rancic intervisteranno tutti gli ospiti della serata più spettacolare dell'anno.

    Ma lo show è appena cominciato perché mercoledì 29 febbraio alle 21.00 gli amanti della moda e del pettegolezzo potranno trovare tutti i protagonisti degli Oscar 2012 nel consueto appuntamento con lo Speciale "Fashion Police" dedicato agli Academy Awards.

    Il meglio e il peggio del look sfoggiato dalle star raccontati dall'irriverente programma di moda guidato da una delle lingue più taglienti di Hollywood, Joan Rivers, accompagnata come sempre dal suo staff di esperti di stile: Kelly Osbourne, Giuliana Rancic e George Kotsiopoulos.

    fonte DF

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    Academy Awards 2012: Live-blog of ceremony


    George Clooney, best actor nominee for his role in "The Descendants", and his girlfriend Stacy Keibler arrive at the 84th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California, February 26, 2012.
    Photograph by: Lucy Nicholson , REUTERS
    The 84th annual Academy Awards are upon us, with some of Tinseltown’s biggest marquee names competing for top honours.

    The nominee list reads like a who’s who of Hollywood: Directors Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen are all in the running, as are perennial favourites Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Meryl Streep.

    And the déjà vu doesn’t stop there. Longtime Oscar show host Billy Crystal is back at the podium after an eight-year absence, prompting much speculation over the reappearance of his trademark big musical number.

    But even with all the old familiar faces in attendance, there are plenty of newcomers and long-shot nominees to keep things exciting. After all, this could be the year that a French-made, silent, black-and-white film (The Artist) edges out Hollywood biggest heavy-hitters for the Best Picture prize.

    Follow all the action as Vancouver Sun Arts and Life editor Maggie Langrick live-blogs the ceremony.

    5:25 pm: The red-carpet flurry is over, and the stars are taking their seats. It's five minutes to showtime! Everyone is eager to see Billy Crystal's opening medley, and the much-anticipated Cirque du Soleil piece.

    5:35: Hollywood's biggest show gets underway with Morgan Freeman, who takes the stage to introduce the night. "There is one constant that is true for all generations... all of us are mesmerized by the magic of the movies." Billy Crystal plays the reluctant host in a montage of send-ups of the Best Picture nominees that sees him getting a sick-bed smooch from George Clooney.

    5:40: After a high-tech mashup of all the Best Picture nominees, Billy Crystal takes the stage, noting that this year is his ninth time hosting the Oscar show, and inviting the audience to "Just call me Warhorse".

    5:45: As expected, Billy Crystal honours the Best Picture nominees with a musical medley. With nine films up for the top award tonight, he's forced to keep things moving along pretty fast, to cram them all in. Best moment: crooning to Scorsese to the tune of "That's Amore".

    5:45: Tom Hanks presents the first award of the night: Achievement in Cinematography, which goes to Hugo. The first of many for Scorsese's homage to movie-making?

    5:50 pm: Second Oscar: Achievement in Art Direction goes again to Hugo.

    5:55 pm: The first two statuettes of the night have gone to Martin Scorsese's Hugo, the director's homage to cinema's golden past. Billy Crystal bemoans the fact that audiences are now watching movies on their phones. "Give me the big screen any time - my iPad!"

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    6:05 pm: Sandra Bullock presents the award for Best Foreign Language film to A Separation, from Iran. That kicks Canada's official selection Monsieur Lazhar out of the race.

    5:58 pm: This year saw some incredible transformations from actor to character.The Oscar for Achievement in Makeup goes to Mark Coulier, for turning Meryl Streep into Margaret Thatcher in the Iron Lady.

    5:55 pm: Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz shimmer in ivory gowns as they present the award for Achievement in Costume Design. And the Oscar goes to Mark Bridges, for The Artist. It's his first academy award.

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    6:42 pm: Cirque du Soleil aside, somehow I am still waiting for the show to start. Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. try for playful banter in their presentation of Best Documentary award, but their comic timing needs work and the whole thing just feels awkward. Anyway, the Oscar goes to Undefeated. When's Clooney coming on?

    6:30 pm: Fourth win for Hugo: Achievement in Sound Mixing.

    6:20 pm: Tina Fey and Bradley Cooper present the award for Achievement in film editing and sound editing. Film editing goes to Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The pair also won last year for their work on The Social Network. Achievement in Sound Editing goes to Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty for Hugo - the film's third award so far.

    6:10 pm: Christian Bale presents the first big award of the night: Best Actress in a Supporting Role, noting that all of the nominees are first-timers. It's a tough field, from Melissa McCarthy to Janet McTeer. But the award goes to Octavia Spencer, who looks radiant in a white sequinned gown. "Thank you Academy for putting me with the hottest guy in the room," she says trembling at the mic. She thanks the predictable list of producers, plus her family, the state of Alabama, and... the world!

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    8:10 pm: I just realized I missed two awards in my roundup: Best animated feature film is Rango, and the Best animated short is The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. (What have I got against animation? Sorry, filmmakers!)

    8:00 pm: Alright, we're into the home stretch and the it's time for the biggies. Michael Douglas presents the award for director, and wow, what a list. Nominees include veterans Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Terence Mallick and previous Oscar winner Alexander Payne. In the end, it goes to relative newcomer Michael Hazavanicius, for the Artist. His joy and surprise is apparent at the podium.

    7:45 pm: Oscar for Documentary Short Subject goes to Saving Face, which follows a plastic surgeon working to rebuild the faces of Pakistani female victims of acid attacks. Accepting her award, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy says: "For all the women in Pakistan who are working for change. Don't give up on your dreams. This is for you."

    7:40 pm: Billy Crystal: "A great year for strong feminine characters, like the Iron Lady and J. Edgar." Hilarious euphemistic bit with the cast of Bridesmaids arguing that length doesn't matter - when it comes to films, that is. "I'd rather have a short film that is nice to me than a long one that lies there and makes me do all the work." Wise words from Kristen Wiig. Oscar for best live action short film goes to The Shore.

    7:30 pm: What a crazy range of nominees for Best Original Screenplay. Bridesmaids, A Separation, Midnight in Paris, Margin Call, and The Artist. In the end, Woody Allen proves he's still got what it takes - and takes the Oscar, for Midnight in Paris.

    7:25 pm: Angelina Jolie looks stunning in a high-slitted black Atelier Versace gown as she nervously introduces the nominees for Best adapted screenplay. It goes to Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash for the Descendants. It's the first award for The Descendants so far this evening.

    7:20 pm: Kiwi Conchord-er Bret McKenzie takes the prize for Best Original Song, for Man or Muppet from The Muppets. The slackest category of the year, Original Song had only two nominees for 2012.

    7:15: It's hard to blog about the highlights of the Oscar show when there are so few memorable ones. Let's hope Penelope Cruz and Owen Wilson can jazz things up a bit, with their presentation of the Oscar for best original score. (90 seconds later) Um... that's a nope. Still, it's a memorable moment for Ludovic Bource, who wins for his score for The Artist. A musician with no formal training in composition, this is his first Oscar. "I've got so much love to give," he says in his acceptance speech, after first dropping his notes on the floor. Aw. You gotta love the underdog.

    7:00 p.m.: Last year's Best Supporting Actress Melissa Leo presents the award for Best Performance by an Actor in a supporting role. Congratulations to Canadian Christopher Plummer, who at 82 becomes the oldest actor ever to win an Oscar, for his role in Beginners.

    6:55 pm: Emma Stone brings the first moments of actual fun to the show in a cute little bit with co-presenter Ben Stiller. The award for Achievement in Visual Effects goes to Hugo. Is it too early to call it a sweep?

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